CIMBEO–which stands for Commander’s Intent Model Based Engineering Options–was conceived by Willowview as part of the United States Special Operations Command’s (SOCOM) Science & Technology Directorate Futures event, a 6-month prototyping event which aims to explore high-risk, high-reward technologies to be employed by US Special Operations Forces in a future operating environment.
Our Approach
CIMBEO leverages SysML and modern model-based systems engineering (MBSE) tools to assist in the military decision-making process. By modeling the structure, behaviors, parametrics, and requirements of a mission need based on the Commanders Intent, we quickly create and simulate courses of action (COAs) to meet the needs of operators, mission planners, and high-level strategists.

Our Future
By leveraging MBSE principles to streamline capability development, our goals are to enable CIMBEO to be applied to any mission need, implement machine learning and AI tools to improve the simulation speed, and reduce the time, money, and spent gathering and parsing large amounts of data.
How CIMBEO Works
Utilize COTS MBSE tools to model a mission
After inputting specific mission needs and constraints, available assets and possible Concept of Operations , connections are made and evaluated with existing and emerging assets based on risk, cost, capability coverage and timeline resulting in solutions that best meet the mission need. This process removes subjectivity and add traceable, repeatable, actionable, comprehensive and transparent solutions.
Maximize automation, explainability, and rigor with MBSE techniques
We believe innovative software development requires a collaborative approach. We work closely with our clients to gain a deep understanding of their business needs and goals then use that knowledge to develop tailored solutions to meet their unique requirements.
Optimize decisions with statistical analysis
Easily change the variables to measure the modified outcome quickly, saving time and resources and preventing running the mission requirements from scratch with each suggested change.
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